Why US Aircraft Carriers DON’T PASS Through SOUTH CHINA SEA

The South China Sea is one of the most strategically vital areas in the world, yet US aircraft carriers are notably absent from its waters. Have you ever wondered why?

In this video, we will dive into the fascinating reasons behind this strategic decision. Stick with us as we uncover the geopolitical intricacies and military considerations that keep these massive warships at bay.

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Why don’t US aircraft carriers venture into the South China Sea? The primary reason is to avoid escalating tensions with China. An aircraft carrier is not just a ship; it’s a floating military base, symbolizing formidable power. If the US were to regularly deploy these giants in the South China Sea, how would China react? Most likely, it would be seen as a provocative act, potentially leading to military confrontations or severe diplomatic crises.

Why US Aircraft Carriers DON'T PASS Through SOUTH CHINA SEA - YouTube

Source: Youtube NAVY Productions

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