Max Verstappen, the reigning Formula 1 Champion, has welcomed the New Year in style alongside his partner, Kelly Piquet. The couple, who have been together since 2020, recently shared the exciting news that they are expecting their first child together. The announcement came after Verstappen capped off a stunning 2023 season, where he secured his fourth consecutive driver’s title at the Las Vegas Grand Prix in November.
As the 2024 season approaches, Verstappen took a moment to celebrate both his achievements on the track and his personal life. Following his victory in Abu Dhabi, the Dutch driver expressed his joy at the news of their impending parenthood, stating that he is already preparing for the arrival of their baby. This milestone in Verstappen’s life coincides with significant changes for him in the upcoming season, as he will be racing alongside a new teammate at Red Bull Racing.
Red Bull recently confirmed that Sergio Pérez, Verstappen’s teammate for the past four years, will not return to the team. Instead, the team has chosen to promote Liam Lawson from their junior program, giving the young Kiwi racer the opportunity to compete alongside the four-time champion. This transition presents new challenges for Verstappen as he gears up for the 2025 season.
To ring in the New Year, Verstappen and Piquet enjoyed a skiing holiday, surrounded by family and friends. Piquet took to Instagram to share a heartfelt message, showcasing her baby bump and expressing her happiness with the caption, “A beautiful start to 2025 with special people. Happy New Year.” The photos captured the couple’s affection for each other and included Piquet’s daughter, Penelope.
As Verstappen prepares for a busy season ahead, he continues to balance the demands of being a top-tier athlete with the joys of impending fatherhood, making this New Year a particularly memorable one for the couple. Fans and followers are eagerly anticipating both his performance on the track and the new chapter that awaits the Verstappen-Piquet family.