Carrier swap creates opportunity for CVW-5 to Complete Air Wing Fallon Training in Rare Full-Strength Participation

CVW-5 Completes Air Wing Fallon Training in Rare Full-Strength Participation Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 5 recently completed Air Wing Fallon (AWF) training as a fully integrated air…

HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) The ship named after Queen Elizabeth is the lead ship of a class of aircraft carriers designed to project naval power.

HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) is the flagship of the Queen Elizabeth class of aircraft carriers operated by the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom. The ship is…

When Empress of Britain was crippled by an Fw 200 and sunk by U-32 becoming the largest British ship lost during WWII

Focke Wulf Fw 200 The Focke Wulf Fw 200 Condor first made an appearance over Norway in April 1940, flying with the unit that eventually become synonymous…